

Gross Facts About House Flies—And How to Keep Them Out of Your Home


Let’s talk about house flies. They’re small, they’re annoying, and they seem to have mastered the art of getting into places they don’t belong. While flies might seem like harmless little creatures, these winged pests are actually pretty gross when you look a little closer. So, let’s dive into some fun (and kind of gross) facts about house flies—and how you can avoid hosting them in your home.

  1. House Flies Are Super Gross Roommates. Imagine this: house flies love the same things you don’t want anywhere near you. Garbage, animal droppings, and rotting food. Flies are basically nature's garbage collectors, but they don’t do a great job of staying *outside* where they belong. And here’s the best part (or worse, depending on your stomach): when flies land, they vomit a little. Yes, you read that right. Flies spit up digestive enzymes onto their food to break it down and then slurp it back up like a soggy smoothie. They do this *every time* they land. So, when a fly lands on your sandwich... well, you get the idea.

  2. Flies Multiply Like It's Their Full-Time Job. Flies don’t mess around when it comes to making more flies. A single female fly can lay about 100 to 150 eggs at a time, usually in warm, moist areas (think garbage cans, compost piles, or that forgotten banana under the counter). Those eggs hatch in about 12 to 24 hours, and Boom! You’ve got a family reunion of maggots. In a matter of days, those maggots grow up, get their wings, and are ready to terrorize your home, starting the cycle all over again. One house fly can lead to thousands of flies in a short period of time. It's like they have their own version of speed dating, but with way more maggots.

  3. Flies Are Attracted to Some Gross Stuff (And Some Not-So-Gross Stuff) We all know flies are into the garbage, but they’re also drawn to other things. Here’s what you might have in your home that’s putting up a giant “WELCOME” sign for flies: - Rotting food: That overripe fruit on the counter? It’s a fly’s favorite snack. Moisture: Damp rags, wet towels, or standing water are like luxury hotels for flies. Pet waste: Yeah, dog poop, it’s gross, but flies don’t care. They’ll lay their eggs in it if given the chance. Soda or sugary drinks: Flies have a sweet tooth, and that leftover soda is just what they’re after.

  4. What Can Homeowners Do to Avoid Hosting a Fly Party? Now that we’ve grossed you out with fly facts, let’s get to the important part—how to keep them out of your home. –

  • Take out the trash: Don’t give flies a reason to hang around. Empty trash cans regularly, especially if they contain food scraps.

  • Cover food: Flies can’t resist an open buffet, so keep food covered or in sealed containers.

  • Clean up pet waste: Keep your yard clean and avoid leaving pet waste out for flies to find.

  • Dry out the damp spots: Flies love moisture, so make sure to dry wet towels, mop up spills, and eliminate standing water.

  • Use screens: Flies are sneaky, but a good window or door screen can stop them from buzzing in uninvited.

Bonus Tip: Bring in the Big Guns! If you’re tired of dealing with flies the DIY way, you can always call in the pros at HUB Pest Solutions. Our pest control treatments can help reduce the number of flies around your home and keep them from crashing your dinner party. We can’t guarantee they’ll stop spitting on your food, though. That’s just in their nature. The Bottom Line - House flies might be a fact of life, but that doesn’t mean you have to put up with them buzzing around like they own the place. By keeping your home clean, dry, and properly sealed, you can cut down on the number of flies trying to move in. And if you need some extra help, we’ve got you covered!